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Docker and Kubernetes

Posted on:February 17, 2023 at 12:43 AM

The history

The Bad Old Ways

One app per server maintained by the company itself.

VMware and Hypervisors

Virtual machines (VMs) are isolated environments that run on top of a host operating system (OS). So we don’t have to buy a server for each app, we can run multiple VMs on a single server.

The problem of VMware is each one of VMs is a slice of the physical server’s hardware and all the VMs has its own OS, which takes a lot of resources to run and some other extra costs.


With containers, we can run multiple apps on a single server. Each app is isolated from the others and has its own file system, but they share the same OS.


Containers are like fast lightweight VM machines, and docker make running our apps inside containers very easily. It’s the key to moving to a modern cloud-native micro-services design.
