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Master TypeScript

Posted on:September 15, 2022 at 02:23 AM

TypeScript = JavaSCript + Static Checking

Static Checking: TypeScript detects errors in our code without running it. It does this error checking on the basis of the ‘kinds of data’, which is type, in our program pre run time.

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Type Annotation Basis

Variable Types

const name: string = "kevin";
const age: number = 35;
const isEngineer: boolean = true;

Type Inference

Type inference refers to the TypeScript compiler’s ability to infer types from certain values in your code.

const name = "kevin"; // ts infers that 'name' should be a string

The Any Type

any turns off type checking for this variable. One thing noticed that the delayed initialization variable will have the implicit any type.

let anything: any = "anything";
anything = 123;
anything = true;

let dontKnowYet; // ts will infer 'dontKnowYet' to be any
dontKnowYet = "good";
dontKnowYet = 1;
dontKnowYet = true;


We can specify the type of function parameters and return value in a function definition.

For the code readability, it’s better to explicitly put type annotation on return value although it can be inferred by TS in most cases.

// set default params
function greet(name: string = "stranger"): string {
  return `Hi there, ${name}`;

// arrow function
const add = (a: number, b: number): number => a + b;

// void means don't return anything
function print(msg: string): void {

Never type

Don’t confuse void with never,

// a function that doesn't finish running
const neverStop = (): never => {
  while (true) {
    console.log("I'm still going!");

// a function that throws an exception
const giveError = (msg: string): never => {
  throw new Error(msg);

Object Types

Object can be typed by declaring what the object should look like in the annotation.

// object
const coordinate: { x: number; y: number } = { x: 1, y: 2 };

// function
const printName = ({
}: {
  firstName: string;
  lastName: string;
}): void => {
  console.log(`${firstName} ${lastName}`);

Type Alias

Instead of writing out object types in an annotation, we can declare them separately in a type alias, which is simply the desired shape of the object.

type Person = {
  name: {
    firstName: string,
    lastName: string
  age?: number // optional property

const sayHappyBirthday = (person: Person) => { ... }

Readonly Type

type User = {
  readonly id: number;
  name: string;

const user: User = {
  id: 1,
  name: "kevin",
}; = 2; // Cannot assign to 'id' because it is a read-only property.

Intersection Types

An intersection type combines multiple types into one.

type Colorful = {
  color: string;
type Circle = {
  radius: number;

const colorfulCircle: Colorful & Circle = {
  color: "green",
  radius: 1.3,

Array Types

Array can be typed using a type annotation followed by empty array brackets, like number[] for an array of numbers.

const people: Person[] = [{ name: "kevin", age: 35 }]
// is the same as
const people: Array<Person> = [{ name: "kevin", age: 35 }]

// multi-dimensional arrays
const board = string[][] = [['X', 'O', 'X'], ['X', 'X', 'O'], ['O', 'X', 'X']]

Union Types

Union types allow us to give a value a few different possible types. If the eventual value’s type is included, TypeScript will be happy.

const guessAge = (age: number | string) => `Your age is ${age}`

// all works

const creatures: (Animal | Plant)[] = [{ animal_1, plant_1, ... }]

Type Narrowing with Union Types

Narrowing the type is simply checking before working with the value.

const isTeenager = (age: number | string) => {
  if (typeof age === "string") console.log(age.charAt(0) === "1");
  else console.log(age > 12 && age < 20);

Literal Types

We can also set type to certain value. Combining it with unions can help us fine tune type options.

const zero: 0 = 0 // zero now can only be 0
type DayOfWeek = ('Monday' | 'Tuesday' | ... | 'Sunday')
const dayOfWeek: DayOfWeek = 'Monday'

const giveAnswer = (answer: "yes" | "no" | "maybe") => `The answer is ${answer}`

giveAnswer("no") // works
giveAnswer("no sure") // not working

Tuples & Enums


Tuples are arrays of fixed lengths and ordered with specific types.

type myTupleType: [number, string]
const myTuple: myTupleType = [10, "kevin"]


Enums allow us to define a set of named constants.

// Numeric Enums
enum Responses {
  no, // 0
  yes, // 1
  maybe, // 2
enum Responses {
  no = 12,
  yes = 45,
  maybe = 102,

// String Enums
enum Response {
  no = "NO",
  yes = "YES",
  maybe = "MAYBE",

// Heterogenous
enum Responses {
  no = 0,
  yes = 1,
  maybe = "MAYBE",

It can be used as Type, as Literal Type.

enum OrderStatus {
const isDelivered = (status: OrderStatus) = status === OrderStatus.DELIVERED

Enum behind the scenes

TypeScript actually compiles enum into object.

enum OrderStatus {
const status: OrderStatus.PENDING = OrderStatus.PENDING;

// after compile
("use strict");
var OrderStatus;
(function (OrderStatus) {
  OrderStatus[(OrderStatus["PENDING"] = 0)] = "PENDING";
})(OrderStatus || (OrderStatus = {}));
const status = OrderStatus.PENDING;

But we can avoid polluting namespaces by adding const in front of the enum keyword.

const enum OrderStatus {
const status: OrderStatus = OrderStatus.PENDING;

// after compile
("use strict");
const status = 0; /* OrderStatus.PENDING */


Interfaces serve almost the exact same purpose as type alias. But interface is only used to describe object, not other type of data.

interface Product {
  name: string
  price: number
const disPlayInfo = (product: Product): void => {
  console.log(`${}: $${product.price} )

Readonly, Optional Properties and Methods

interface Product {
  readonly id: number
  name: string
  size?: string
  price: number
  applyDiscount: (amount: number) => void
  // or
  applyDiscount(amount: number): void
const shoes: Product = {
  id: 1,
  name: 'Red wing 9411'
  price: 13000
  applyDiscount(amount) {
    this.price = this.price * (1 - amount)

Reopening Interface

// TS complains about duplicated types
type Person = {
  name: string;
type Person = {
  age: number;

// the Person interface is the combination of the two
interface Person {
  name: string;
interface Person {
  age: number;
const me: Person = {
  name: "kevin",
  age: 35,

Extends One or More Interfaces

interface Creature {
  age: number;
interface Dog extends Creature {
  name: string;
const amy: Dog = {
  name: "Amy",
  age: 1,

interface Human {
  name: string;
interface Employee {
  readonly id: number;
  email: string;
interface Engineer extends Human, Employee {
  level: string;
  languages: string[];
const pierre: Engineer = {
  name: "Pierre",
  email: "",
  level: "senior",
  languages: ["JS", "Python"],

Types v.s Interfaces

// inheritance
interface Engineer extends Person  {
  experience: string
  languages: string[]

// intersection types
type Engineer & {
  experience: string
  languages: string[]

The TypeScript Complier

Init and Compile

Firs, we can hit the init command to create the tsconfig.json file. Then we can compile the files on watch mode.

tsc --init

# compile only the selected file
tsc index.ts -w

# all the .ts files will be compiled by default
tsc -w


Priority: files > exclude > include

  "compilerOptions": {
    "outDir": "dist",
    "target": "es5",
    "lib": [
  "files": ["mustRun.test.ts", "shouldRun.test.ts"],
  "include": ["src/**/*.?(ts|tsx)"],
  "exclude": ["src/**/*.test.ts"]

Working with DOM

TypeScript knows about the document.

const element = document.getElementById("test");

Non-null assertion operators

Put the ! behind means it’s not null.

const btn = document.getElementById("btn")!;
btn.addEventListener("click", () => {

Type assertions

We can tell TypeScript what is the type of this value.

const mystery: unknown = "my name";
const numChars = (mystery as string).length;

// HTMLElement doesn't have 'value' property
// we need to tell TypeScript it's the HTMLInputElement
const input = document.getElementById("input")! as HTMLInputElement;

// there's another way, but be aware, this syntax doesn't work with jsx
const input = document.getElementById("input");

Working with Event

const form = document.querySelector("form")!;

// #1. TS doesn't know what evt is, so we have to add type annotation
const handleSubmit = (evt: SubmitEvent) => {
form.addEventListener("click", handleSubmit);

// #2. TS knows evt is SubmitEvent
form.addEventListener("click", evt => {


Some syntax

class Player {
  #score = 0;
  constructor(firstName: string, lastName: string) {
    this.firstName = firstName;
    this.lastName = lastName;
  getScore() {
    return this.#score;
  setScore(score) {
    this.#score = score;

class Admin extends Player {
  constructor(firstName: string, lastName: string, powers: string[]) {
    super(firstName, lastName);
    this.powers = powers;

Annotation Classes in TypeScript


class Player {
  public readonly firstName: string;
  public readonly lastName: string;
  private registered = true;
  protected score = 0;

  constructor(firstName: string, lastName: string) {
    this.firstName = firstName;
    this.lastName = lastName;

class AdminPlayer extends Player {
  maxScore() {
    this.score = 9999; // valid since score is protected property
    this.registered = false; // invalid since registered is private

const kevin = new Player("kevin", "hsiao");
kevin.firstName = "allen"; // not working!

Parameter Properties Shorthand

below syntax means we’re going to have a public/private property called ‘firstName’ and it’s going to be passed in when player is initialized.

class Player {
  constructor(public firsName: string, public lastName: string) {}
// is equivalent to
class Player {
  public readonly firstName: string;
  public readonly lastName: string;

  constructor(firstName: string, lastName: string) {
    this.firstName = firstName;
    this.lastName = lastName;

Classes and Interfaces

interface Colorful {
  color: string;
interface Printable {
  print(): void;

class Bike implements Colorful, Printable {
  constructor(public color: string) {}
  print() {
    console.log("hello world");

Abstract Classes

abstract class Employee {
  constructor(public firstName: string, public lastName: string) {}

  abstract getPay(): number

class FulltimeEmployee extends Employee {
  constructor(firstName: string, lastName: string, private salary: number) {
    super(firstName, lastName)
  getPay() { return this.salary }
class PartTimeEmployee extends Employee {
  constructor(firstName: string, lastName: string, private hourlyRate: number private hoursWorked: number) {
    super(firstName, lastName)
  getPay() {
    return this.hourlyRate * this.hoursWorked



Generics allow us to define reusable functions and classes that work with multiple types rather than a single type.

Some Built-in Generics

It’s kind of like a type argument.

const numbers: Array<number> = [];
// is equal to
const numbers: number[] = [];

const strings: Array<string> = [];
// is equal to
const strings: string[] = [];

// TypeScript only knows it's a general element
const element = document.querySelector("#username")!;
// Now TypeScript knows it's an HTMLInputElement
const inputElement = document.querySelector<HTMLInputElement>("#username")!;

When Should We Use Generics

function func<T>(element: T): T[] {
  return [element];
const func = <T>(element: T): T[] => {
  return [element];

// [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ...]
// [true, false, false, ...]
// [{}, {}, {}, ..]
function getRandomElement<T>(list: T[]): T {
  const randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * list.length);
  return list[randomIndex];

getRandomElement<string>(["a", "b", "c", "d"]);
getRandomElement<number>([1, 23, 255, 332, 6433]);

Inferred Generic Type Parameters

TypeScript can infer the type, but not always.

getRandomElement(["a", "b", "c", "d"]);

Generics Arrow Functions & .tsx files

In .tsx, we have to add a trailing comma in order to make TypeScript understand the generics syntax(in order to be distinguished from html tag).

const App = <T,>(list: T[]) => {
  return { => (

Generics with Multiple Types

We don’t have to tell TypeScript what it will return because TypeScript will infer.

const merge = <T, U>(object1: T, object2: U) => ({
// no need to
const merge = <T, U>(object1: T, object2: U): T & U => {
  // ...

const comboObject = merge(
  { name: "kevin" },
  { languages: ["javascript", "typescript", "go", "ruby", "python"] }

Add Type Constraints

We can add type constrains in order to make sure merge only have object arguments.

// TypeScript doesn't know what's the type of argument, so won't complain on this line
merge({ name: "kevin" }, 10);

// in order make TypeScript know, we can add constraints into generic types
const merge = <T extends object, U extends object>(object1: T, object2: U) => ({
// or just
const merge = (object1: object, object2: object) => ({

// we can also use custom interface
interface Lengthy {
  length: number;
const printDoubleLength = <T extends Lengthy>(thing: T): number => {
  return thing.length * 2;
// or just
const printDoubleLength = (thing: Lengthy): number => {
  return thing.length * 2;

Default Type Parameters

const makeEmptyArray = <T = string>(): T[] => [];
const strings = makeEmptyArray();
const numbers = makeEmptyArray<number>();

Generic Classes

interface Song {
  title: string;
  artist: string;
interface Video {
  title: string;
  creator: string;
  resolution: string;
class Playlist<T> {
  public queue: T[] = [];
  add(item: T) {

const songs = new Playlist<Song>();

Type Narrowing

Typeof Guards

typeof Type Guards is simply doing type checking before working with a value.

const isTeenager = (age: (string | number)) => {
    if (typeof age === 'number') {
        return age > 12 && age < 20
    if (typeof age === 'string') {
        return age.charAt(0) === '1'

Truthiness Guards

Truthiness Type Guards checks if the value is being truthy or falsy before working it.

const inputElement = document.getElementById("test");
if (inputElement) {
  // work with input element
} else {
  console.log("There's no input element found");

Equality Guards

Equality Type Guards checks the value compared to other values before working it.

const canBuyMarijuana = location => {
  if (["US", "Canada"].includes(location)) return true;
  if (["Nepal", "India"].includes(location)) {
    if (/*some condiations*/) return true;
    return false
  return false;

in operator narrowing

JavaScript in operator helps to check if a certain property exists in an object.

type Move {
    title: string;
    duration: number;
type TVShow = {
    title: string;
    numberOfEpisodes: number;
    episodesDuration: number;
const getRunTime = (media: Move | TVShow) => {
    if ('duration' in media) return media.duration
    return media.numberOfEpisodes * media.episodesDuration;

instanceof narrowing

JavaScript instanceof operator to check if one thing is an instance of one class.

class User {
  constructor(public firstName: string) {}
class Company {
  constructor(public name: string) {}
const printName = (entity: User | Company) => {
  if (entity instanceof User) {
  } else {

Type Predicates

TypeScript allow us to write custom functions that can narrow down the type of a value. These functions have a very special return type called type predicate.

interface Cat {
  name: string;
  numLives: number;
interface Dog {
  name: string;
  breed: string;
const isCat(pet : Cat | Dog): pet is Cat => {
  return (pet as Cat).numLives !== undefined;

const makeNoise = (pet: Cat | Dog): void => {
  if (isCat(pet)) console.log('Meow')
  else console.log('Woof')

Discriminated Unions

Creating a literal property that is common across multiple types.

interface Circle {
  kind: "circle";
  radius: number;

interface Square {
  kind: "square";
  sideLength: number;

type Shape = Circle | Square;

function getArea(shape: Shape) {
  switch shape.kind {
    case 'circle':
      return Math.PI * shape.radius ** 2;
    case 'square'
      return shape.sideLength ** 2;

Exhaustive Checking

function getArea(shape: Shape) {
  switch shape.kind {
    case 'a':
    case 'b'
    case 'c'
    case 'd'
    case 'f'
    // ..
      // we should never reach this if we handle all the cases correctly
      const _exhaustiveCheck: never = shape;
      return _exhaustiveCheck;

Type Decorations

How to work with 3rd party libraries in TypeScript ecosystem? Check *.d.ts file

Installing Types Separately

For the most part, type declaration packages should always have the same name as the package name on npm, but prefixed with @types/.

ref. TypeScript doc

npm install --save-dev @types/lodash



TypeScript & Webpack